foldable smartphones

In the last too weeks Huawei and Samsung introduced smartphones that bend or fold, not like the old phones no, the screen it self bends like you can say a paper. the companies were working on it for years. and they’re not just gimmicks. They’re glimpses of the next great mobile frontier.

You might say that the flexible display is not a new thing, we saw it from many years. But now they are maybe ready to go. You’re seeing now is a confluence of a smartphone arms race that has stalled out, and clever advances in all of the other components that allow those yogic displays to work in a consumer product.


luckily for all, google is working in software and support it directly into android. to explain it easily before you fold the phone, it works as a normal smartphone from the company, but when you flip it the screen work as a tablet offering a large screen experience and some features that have better use fore gaming, videos, drawing, and other. its like having too devices in one.

Android will adapt to support foldable phones, according to Google.


نتيجة بحث الصور عن ‪samsung fold mechanism‬‏

In the hardware the hard Bart is in the mechanism, in the middle were the Where there are wonders and inventions, there are a lot of Mechanics work; because of the display and the wires and to make it with a great materials so that do not safer after a long time. the companies like Huawei and Samsung said that they were working on it for a year. they did not elaborate how exactly it worked, But they were satisfied with praise.

In the end I liked to leave some photos about some Patents and ideas:

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نتيجة بحث الصور عن ‪foldable smartphone mechanism‬‏
نتيجة بحث الصور عن ‪foldable smartphone mechanism‬‏

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